Dear Brothers, Partners, Students and all members of the Lasallian Family,
I am very pleased to inform you that the Holy See has declared 2019 a Jubilee Year* in honor of the 300th anniversary of the death of Saint John Baptist De La Salle.
The Jubilee Year will begin on 17 November 2018, when we recall the dedication of the sanctuary of Saint John Baptist de la Salle at the Generalate in Rome. The Jubilee Year will conclude on 31 December 2019, the end of the Tercentenary and Year of Lasallian Vocations.
A Jubilee Year offers the opportunity to express our faith through concrete actions in favor of those most in need. I invite all of you to celebrate the jubilee through practical acts of kindness and service to young people yearning for mercy and compassion.
Traditionally a Jubilee Year is also an occasion for pilgrimage. The goal of a pilgrimage is to visit places imbued with spiritual significance and the experience of God's presence.
I encourage each of you to become a pilgrim during the Jubilee Year. Let your pilgrimage take you "beyond borders" to places that inspire you with a sense of God's presence and to poor and vulnerable people who are occasions to encounter Jesus Christ.
Pope Francis reminds us that
Our existence is a pilgrimage, a journey. Even those who are inspired by simply human hope, perceive the allure of the horizon, which urges them to explore worlds they do not yet know. Our spirit is a migrant spirit.
We do not become mature men and women if we do not perceive the allure of the horizon: that boundary between earth and sky which demands to be reached by a people that walks.
Soon, Brother Gustavo Ramírez will send you: details of events being organized by the Institute; resources for local use; and, suggestions for creating pilgrimage experiences.
Let us joyfully celebrate the Jubilee Year as an expression of our commitment to live the Gospel and the Lasallian Mission united as Lasallians with one heart, one commitment, one life.
Brother Robert Schieler, FSC
Brother Superior
* The Jubilee Year offers the opportunity to receive the grace of a plenary indulgence through the practice of works of charity, pilgrimage, prayer, and participation in the liturgy and the sacrament of reconciliation.
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Video 1: Message from the Brother Superior General
Video 2: Official song: A heart, a commitment, a life. One in Saint La Salle that has been created to unite the voices of all Lasallians in the world. This song is sung in the three official languages of the Institute to commemorate the 300th Anniversary of the Founder.
Official song: A heart, a commitment, a life. One in Saint La Salle that has been created to unite the voices of all Lasallians in the world. This song is sung in the three official languages of the Institute to commemorate the 300th Anniversary of the Founder.
Brother Superior Robert Schieler, FSC, gives an update on events to celebrate the Year of Lasallian Vocations in 2019 and invites Lasallians to get involved. Watch now!
Celebrate and give thanks for our common heritage and our vitality through our association for the transformative human and Christian education of the young especially the poor.
Renew our commitment to respond to the reality and needs of today through promoting our mission, charism, and Founding story.
Share our hope for the future within the unity and diversity of Lasallian vocations by witnessing the movement of the Spirit in our lives and ministry.